Reedel on EKKMis hea pidu. Algab kell 22. Plakati typeface by Kirjatehnika (Andree Paat). Esinejate nimekiri väga soliidne. FB eventi leiab siit. Pilet mingi ainult 5 eurot.
Fotod: Gringo plaadiesitlus EKKMis
Local grime MC Gringo “Bonafide” album lauch party at EKKM. Support by Pats, Slin and Abstract Detail. Snap Inc jokes were hilarious. EKKM, Tallinn 17.03.2017.
Fotod: Honey Free EKKMis

04.06.2016. Very nice evening at EKKM with San Hani, Luurel Varas, Regret and many others. Party called Honey Free.